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Contact hours: 
L – V: 12:00 – 17:00 – GMT +2

We speak romanian, english and spanish.

Veardi is the commercial name of the team of independent professionals, joint venture without legal personality, consisting of:

Gullbrand Arvid Rune Individual Enterprise, based in Cluj-Napoca, 22/30 Poet Grigore Alexandrescu St., Cluj county, Romania, CUI. 35902677, No. Reg. Com. F12/361/2016, EUID ROONRC.F12/361/2016, represented by Arvid Gullbrand, as holder, and

Băetică Gabriela Andreea Individual Enterprise, based in Cluj-Napoca, 29B/4 Șerpuitoare St., Cluj county, Romania, CUI 47387745, No. Reg. Com. F12/2156/2022, EUID ROONRC.F12/2156/2022, represented by Gabriela Băetica, as holder, and

Miroțoi Irina Individual Enterprise, based in Floreşti, Floreşti Commune, 7B/14 Răzoare St., Cluj County, Romania, CUI 49663189, No. Reg. Com. F12/245/2024, EUID ROONRC.F12/245/2024, represented by Irina Miroțoi, as holder.